Your application for the position

Ausbildung zum Fleischereifachverkäufer (m/w/d)

Work locations

Which work locations would you like to apply for?
Witten Kesper & Rode oHG Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 116
Ahlen Gilke EH OHG Hammer Str. 8 DE-59227
Bergkamen Liebendahl EH oHG Jahnstraße 90 D DE-59192
Bestwig Wodniok EH OHG Borghausen 13 DE-59909
Bocholt Rewe Bocholt GmbH & Co.EH. KG Friedrich-Wilhelm-Str. 15 DE-46397
Bochum Mert EH oHG Viktoriastr. 14 DE-44787
Bochum Friedrich Freidank GmbH & Co. Einzelhandels oHG Joachimstraße 27-29 DE-44789
Bochum Kai Hornberg eK Grüner Weg 44 DE-44791
Show other work locations

Personal data

Address and contact information


Your earliest possible start date

School education

How did you find this position?


Upload your application documents here, e.g. cover letter, CV, certificates, etc.
The following document is required: Lebenslauf.
The maximum permitted file size per document is 25 MB.

Further information

Please take a moment to read our Data protection before submitting.